years old
Years old
STAPS Chambéry

French Vice-Champion Junior of Mountain Running

Simon Paccard is the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The infernal trio gathered in one and the same small body fed with red blood cells, at the foot of the Semnoz. The good friend, who never misses an opportunity to carry the banner of friendship on the highest peaks. Brut talent. Or the thick Brute, so much this force of nature seems to have been bursting with potential. The Ugly. Le Truand, tout court. Mischievous and creative at will, Simon, in living memory, never missed the opportunity of a teasing good feeling. Without ever getting caught by the brigade. Clever and mischievous, Simon undoubtedly deserves a prominent place in the cast of 400 shots.

Blows that have been discussed this year! The many successes he smelled, including his first selection under the tricolor banner. But also, the swords in the water, given in a learning logic.

The big blow, finally, which he carried out, in Sierre-Zinal, by seizing the Juniors record of the race whose myth is no longer to be done.

Meet with Mister Catch me if you can.

Team Matryx - Simon PACCARD


In the steep

🎤 What is your assessment of this past 2019 season?

I think my year 2019 would make the biggest amusement parks dream so much that its course can be like a roller coaster.

It’s a season of ups and downs, a bit like an ultra-trail topographic profile (smile). I started off rather well with satisfactory Cross-country results in winter, winning a beautiful 13th place at the French Championships, among the top players in the discipline. Then, in June, I became vice French Champion in Mountain running, bowing in the sprint against my team mate, Louis Parent. The “Europe” Championships that follow will not be up to snuff, but I will take revenge in Sierre-Zinal in mid-August, taking the Juniors record for this legendary event. Without a doubt my best performance of the year.

With hindsight, by chaining satisfaction and disappointment, I gained a lot of experience.

Express learning. I also realized that, mentally, you should never set a barrier …

🎤 Can you tell us about your best memory of 2019?

My greatest memory is undoubtedly my record at Sierre-Zinal.

So I hang my name next to the biggest in the discipline. Before the start, a sentence pronounced by Thomas Janichon resounded in me: “When it will pay, it will hurt very much!” ” I wanted to do battle. I take a careful start before I escape the 5th kilometer. Then I unplug. 0 calculations to this famous finish line where an electric crowd is waiting. It was magical !

🎤 Did the Team play a role in this successful season?

I will try to be brief but effective in my remarks regarding my feelings on this Team.

To me, it’s more than just a team, it’s the perfect team.

A simple and efficient team made up of humble and efficient athletes. It’s also a second family, because beyond the competition, we share real moments of life.

🎤 What are your ambitions for the 2020 season to come?

A little less roller coaster! Still high but a little less low ?! Even if I have nothing against amusement parks (smile)

More seriously, stick to the continuity of 2019 by trying to apply all the lessons learned to good effect.

Whether on the cross to forge the engine at the start of the season or through my discovery of formats between 20 and 30 km, in particular the French Championships, the Mont Blanc cross or Sierre-Zinal.

🎤 Exactly, are you finally going to be able to compete with the “big guys”, on the same race formats, going from Juniors to Hopes? How do you understand this change of category?

I realize that this is a fairly difficult passage that requires a transition period. I am going there very humbly, with the prospect of three years in “Espoir” category to progress quietly. On the other hand, I am really impatient to join this universe.

Courage, panache and abnegation will be my watchwords to make my place in the world of grown-ups.

Team Matryx - Simon PACCARD


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